Tuesday, March 16, 2010

power of one's own individuality...!!

Hav we ever thought how it wud be....if Warren Buffet tried to become M.F Hussain...or Lakshmi Mittal teaching us cooking recipies in the show of Khaana khazana. then there cud have been chaos....n output cud hav been entirely different. And this is wat very b'fuly explained recently
in a movie....by jahanpanah. there is a very strong message behind it- POWER OF ONE'S OWN INDIVIDUALITY. and when we realise this.....life becomes much simpler and beautiful.

As each and every individual is gifted with some unique qualities which makes him unlike others. So there is no comparision of oneself with the rest of the world. Nature teaches this in several manner without any complaints. thts why A rose is a rose.....a jasamine is a jasamine...an orange is an orange...and an apple is an apple. all these possess their own peculiar characteristics.

hats off to the creator......but instead of tht, we human beings are full of complaints.

we often come across- "my elder son is very bright and is AVP in foreign investment bank, but unfortunately the younger one is not good in academics, and does something in event management" . " my friend is so fair and beautiful and am so average looking girl ".

why can't we accept others as they are?......infact why can't we accept ourselves as we are..! and once we do so....many doors and possibilities are open for us....to live our life happily and peacefuly.......coz we have realised our true potential- power of one's own individuality!!